Self improvement/ Personal Development

Human beings are superior to all other living beings because of the habit of learning evey now & then.
We’ll find that we are a completely different person when we compare our present self with our past selves.

I have also learnt a lot from my mistakes & still learning.
Let me share one of those incidents which became a path-finder for my life :-

Since childhood, I always had a passion to learn English. English books, newspapers, stories & poems always used to fascinate me. No sooner had my father bought books for the new session of school, than I finished reading them.
I still remember those summer vacations of 6th standard, when our English teacher gave us homework to write a diary & mention in it about what all happened that day.
Holidays ended but my habit of writing diary continued till date. I have won various writing competitions conducted by school & the government as well.
I didn’t stopped just writing articles, but I also starting writing my own poems & stories. (For better vocab, I searched synonyms for words I used in my writings)

I never shared my work with anyone, no-one in my family or friends knew that I write untill I shared a poem one day on my WhatsApp status & an English teacher of my college recognized my talent. She appreciated my work & motivated me to keep working on it.
And I must call it my luck or coincidence, next day my uncle told me about blogging.
I decided to publish my work on blog. So, I made a WordPress blog & started posting my work. Though it may not have a bright response as I expected, but at least I have started my journey & over day, it’ll surely lead me to my destination.

Now when I look back at those days, at my first diary I wrote in 6th standard, I smile & realizes that I really have learnt & improved a lot. My writing skills have surpassed since I started writing.

Social media & Google have been really helpful to shape my skills.
That moment I realized that use & misuse of technology depends totally on our mindset, in what way or for what purpose we use it.

For success, what matters is determination & consistency!!

Published by Pragya Khokhar

A girl with a lot of dreams & potential to fulfill all her dreams. Writer, poet, comedian, a motivational speaker, an influencer & a consultant.

10 thoughts on “Self improvement/ Personal Development

  1. ๐Ÿ’Ž – Diamond Hard – ๐Ÿ’Ž

    ๐Ÿ’Ž We ARE Inferior due to Aloofness and Arrogance EveryOne; this is why Human Extinction Events Occur, The Superiority is Mother ๐Ÿ‘ฉ Natures Alone…so Don’t Get Fooled by This Type of NoneSense; stupidity that leads to WAR!!! like Hitler DID!!!

    ๐Ÿ’Ž – Diamond Hard – ๐Ÿ’Ž



  2. ๐Ÿ’œ ALL 5D+ “Aspects” ; as an Ascended I KNOW!!! and I AM Still Learning



  3. Well said! Iโ€™m not aware of standards 6th or otherwise please explain okay ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฟ Ty! Iโ€™m not born in USA Iโ€™m Dominican Republic ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ด ok but ya ya are inspirational


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